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As we build on our expertise, our developers find new ways to simplify the software development process. Here are a few tools and plugins from our developer kit that you can reuse or modify.

PySpark CLI

The codebase for PySpark (the Python API for Spark) projects is not always structured uniformly, which is a problem when you are handling multiple projects. PySpark CLI helps to create boilerplate code for many PySpark projects with a consistent layout.

Developed by Jino Jossy, Chandan Raje, Joann Rachel Jacob, Mehul Agarwal

Smooth Recycler View Android

Want to check if there is any jitter when using nested scrollable views (such as ListView, ScrollView, ViewPager, and RecyclerViews)? Here is a Smooth Recycler View Android repo to test the properties of scrollable views.

Developed by Balamuvesh Balraj

Apache Config Generator

Apache Config Generator is a simple Django extension that helps you generate an Apache configuration file for your new website by running a management command. It automatically detects document root, static root/url, media root/url, and also the path to the currently running virtual environment.

Developed by Afsal Salim

Ebook search

PDF Search allows you to upload PDF files to be indexed in SOLR and do a full-text search from an AngularJS-based UI. Because it is helpful for sharing ebooks, this can be used as a central ebook library for individual or group use. It supports log in based on OpenID authentication.

Developed by Sunil Giri

Segmented View Controller

SJSegmentedViewController is a customizable iOS controller that allows horizontal and vertical scrolling for a segmented controller with a header view controller.

Developed by Subins Jose

View Controller Keyboard

QBKeyboardHandler is a view controller keyboard for iOS that provides Next and Return buttons and corrects the issue of keyboard hiding portions of the content.

Developed by Sakkeer Hussain

Log File Creator

QBLog is a lightweight iOS library to write logs to a log file in the app’s default directory.

Developed by Sumesh Sivan

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